Case Acquisition and Legal Marketing Services

Looking for new claimants?

Compliance driven marketing generating exclusive leads, calls and retainers
to help law firms acquire clients and grow revenue.

"We strategically align our interests with the interests of the law firms we service. We measure our success by the level of value we are able to provide to our clients. It's not just about leads. It's about the quality of the claimants we provide throughout the lifetime of their claim."
  • No Long-Term Contracts or Start Up Costs
  • Real-time, Exclusive and Targeted
  • Pre-screened and validated leads
  • Consistent Quality and Volume to Fuel Growth

Optimization and Conversion Leading to Cases

What We Do

We have over two decades of media buying, driving online traffic, qualifying leads and delivering clients. We deploy effective and efficient media strategies focused on your firm’s priorities, area of expertise and desired geographic regions. We qualify the need and intent of your future clients to help you retain cases.


How We Do It

We do it well. We do it with planning, optimization and repetition.

  • We create campaign specific websites that identify qualified claimants that have suffered an injury or injustice and are seeking legal representation.
  • We launch compliant and targeted media campaigns to engage, educate and inform potential claimants.
  • Our technology pre-screens, validates and routes consumer inquiries in real-time to our clients via the method of their choosing.
  • Our team is hands on with post lead review, conversion monitoring and optimization based on client feedback.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Personal Injury

Social Security Disability


Other Emerging Legal Actions

Connect With Us Today

We’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below or contact us via email at [email protected] .